Monday, February 9, 2009


I am stuck. I am not losing. I have been the same weight for 10 days!!!!
I am discouraged :(
I need motivation & words of wisdom!!!!


  1. I have been stuck (if you reference my weigh loss record) a couple of times. I guess all that I can say is to keep going. I know that in the attempts in the past to lose weight, when I got stuck I ate over it... and so in the past stuck = weight gain and complete loss of control. I would throw it all out the window. I would make some tiny baby step goals and keep going. You will move out of "stuck" eventually...

  2. HI HI thanks for stopping in. I feel your pain! keep working! :)

  3. Wow you're reading my mind. I haven't lost in the past week. I keep expecting to lose fast as I have done before, but I aint. I love food too much and mooching about too much.
